About Hebron New Life Church
Sundays 9:00 am Traditional service and 10:30 am modern service with kids ministryOur Mission & Vision
Our mission is to help all people Know Jesus, Connect with each other and Serve in God’s Kingdom.
What we Believe
We believe that all people can have New Life through a relationship with Jesus Christ. (John 3:16, Romans 3:22-24, John 14:1-6)
We believe the Bible is God’s life changing instructions for daily living. (John 17:15-27, Hebrews 4:12, Deuteronomy 8:3)
We believe that the Bible when interpreted in context, is the final authority on all matters of sin and salvation.
We believe the Church should be fun and relevant to the culture in which it exists. (1 Corinthians 9:22, Luke 5:27-32)
We believe that all Christians have been given gifts for service and should use those gifts to serve the church and, in doing so, help to facilitate life transformation to others in their community.
(1 Peter 4:10, Romans 12:6-8, Colossians 3:12-17)
We believe those who desire to be leaders in the Church should be people of integrity and honesty striving to live in love and purity.
(1 Timothy 3, Galations 5:22-26, 1 Corinthians 16:2)
We believe that all Christians are called to grow in their Christian walk through involvement in Small Groups. (Acts 2:42-47)
We believe that God Loves us and hears and answers our prayers as we seek his will. (Colossians 4:2-3, James 5:13-16, Matthew 21:12-15)
Who We Are
Our Leadership
Pastor Brian Harkness